julia boyce

Julia, solo recording artist from Far Rockaway, Queens, NY, born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. My music genre is Gospel, R&B, Jazz, Regae, some Hip Hop and Opera. I've been singing for well over 10 years I'm also bi-lingual. I love the arts and entertainment, plays and musicals. I've had professional vocal training in NYC (Central Park West) area and Brooklyn, NY (Bedford Stuyvesant). I went to school for drama, NYC (HB Studios) near West Side Highway, attended the Henry Street Settlement School for Performing Arts, had "Bass" Guitar training. Guitar training was in Brooklyn, NY at two separate locations. I love to read, study music, I've studied piano. I sang in a professional church choir in Brooklyn, NY (Bedford Stuyvesant), performed at the McDonald's Gospel Fest and the Path mark Competition for Choirs, also street and church venues. I am a songwriter, I wrote 4 of my songs on my CD. I look forward to sharing my love of music/arts and entertainment to the world before me.